HOW(?) & WHY(?) Liquid-Eating & Intermittent-Fasting can be so beneficial to your Health...

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

fda HYPO-intolerant reaction choice now or HYPER-intolerant LIFEstyle - You choose your LIVER reaction and see what LOVE-diabetes really is ...HOW ?

"Every Day And In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better"...
Eating less OFTEN is profoundly more healthy than eating less...

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Glucose / insulin "resistance" arises in at least 2 forms: (A) Insulin receptors which adaptively reduce their functional efficiency of 'pumping' glucose into cells; and (B) Insulin receptors that 'disappear' from cells. Why do You think there is just 1 name, in common use, to describe more than 2, vitally different, physiologies?? Type 1 & type 2 Diabetic ... glucose / insulin 'resistance' arises primarily via insulin receptors which adaptively down-regulate their rate of 'pumping' glucose into fat / liver / muscle cells ... so that more glucose is diverted/available for the brain / nervous system. []

Type 3 Diabetic ... glucose / insulin 'resistance' arises primarily via insulin receptors that 'disappear', from nerve cells, BECAUSE eating too OFTEN results in 'cycles' of localised brain / nerve damage & 'sclerosis scarring' [eg called 'Alzheimers' & 'peripheral neuropathy' ] via "relative-HYPOglycemia" ... which subsequently results in localised brain/nerve starvation c/o the 'glucose-starved HYPOglycemia', primary stage, followed by localised brain/nerve destruction during the "relative-HYPERglycemia", secondary stage, also called 'glucose re-perfusion'. []

... In the absence of adaptative [protective] type 3 Diabetic glucose / insulin 'resistance' [aka brain-insulin receptor down-regulation] ... too OFTEN meal-induced 'glucose re-perfusion', via highly efficient nerve-insulin receptors, could induce massive neural damage relatively quickly [cf. youth-onset neuropathy]. []

Type 3 diabetes Is Caused By Food And Or Drug Administration Too Much And Or Too Often. []

Pancreatic-insulin or 'digestion-insulin' [primarily for STORING glucose in fat, liver & muscle cells] for FUTURE use by the brain & nervous system] is usually produced by beta-cells following a period of eating. Brain-insulin or 'nerve-insulin' [primarily for CURRENT use to help with REGULATING glucose feeding into the nervous system] is produced by 'nerve cells' following a suitable period of sleep/eating less OFTEN. []

Eating less OFTEN increases the number of brain-insulin receptors, increases the availability of glucose to the brain, reduces appetite and increases the availability of ketone fuel for the brain. []

Eating too often decreases the number of brain-insulin receptors, reduces the availability of glucose to the brain, increases appetite and reduces the availability of ketone fuel for the brain. []

Eating less is profoundly different from eating less OFTEN. []

Blood glucose feeds the brain efficiently in the absence of any pancreatic-insulin because in the absence of food [ie following a sufficient period of sleep/fasting] the brain-insulin production is increased to help 'pump' the relatively lower levels of blood glucose into the nerves eg into the brain via brain-insulin receptors. []

Type 1, 2 or 3 Diabetes is NOT a disease [it is the associated 'HYPOglycemia' that is the 'disease'] ... type 1 & type 2 diabetes aka HYPERglycemia [that can exist for years] is a 'physiological body state' that protects the nervous system [especially the brain] from the extraordinary dangers of beta-cell and/or HYPERinsulinemia [excess insulin] associated "relative-HYPOglycemia" [which starves the nervous system of fuel and can result in profound challenges within minutes, or even seconds, with little or zero notice]. []

Type 1, 2 or 3 diabetes is NOT a disease … Type 1, 2 or 3 diabetes is the CURE [for relative-HYPOglycemia]. []

'Relative-HYPOglycemia As A Cause Of Neuropsychiatric Illness' @ Journal Of The National Medical Association @ Harry M Salzer MD @ January 1966 @ Vol 58 @ Number 1 @ Table 1 @ Figure 2.In my opinion UNdrugTREATED type 2 diabetes [aka "cellular dietary restriction"] is a protective adaptative response which, by means of protecting the brain from "relative-HYPOglycemia", can be expected to reduce or eliminate type 3 diabetes aka 'Alzheimers'. []

Please ask your current Specialist for advice including the provision of supporting Peer reviewed references evidencing their understanding of this important matter. []

…Warm thanks; Nick Gracey, BSc(Hons) Medical Biochemistry, Birmingham University, UK, WATerian c/o @ 15:33hrs MON.03.DEC.2007. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []


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