LOVE-ingly... I'am'In'good'conscience'right'now... Fasting... Every'day'better'Every'way... 23hour... ... 45minimum... .period... (Clean)... On'One... ... Minute'Meal..."
Laboratoire de Physiopathologie Métabolique et Rénale, Faculté de Médecine Alexis Carre, Lyon, France.
The production of ketone bodies (KB) is dependent on the amount of free fatty acids (FFA) supplied to the liver and on the hepatic metabolic fate of fatty acids and their orientation towards oxidation and ketogenesis or reesterification.
PMID: 8896990
Melissa Schmitz2617 S. 46th St., Suite 300, Phoenix, AZ 85034Phone: 480-294-6410Website:
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