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Sunday, 25 May 2008

HYPOglycemia Heart attack ? killed doctor (Daily Mail, 24 May 2008, Page 20)

"Every Day And In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better"...
Original By Fiona Barton
Daily Mail
24 May 2008

HYPOglycemia heart attack killed doctor ?

By Fiona Barton
Daily Mail
24 May 2008

By Fiona Barton
Daily Mail
24 May 2008

THE plastic surgeon husband of film star Natascha McElhone died of a heart attack, a post-mortem examination revealed yesterday.

Dr Martin Kelly, a 43-year-old keen Sportsman / Specialist known for his work on celebrity noses, was found collapsed in the hall of his £2.5million townhouse in London on Tuesday, just after performing a late-night operation.


Allegedly a surgeon Friend and/or a CPR ambulance Team tried to revive him but is reported that Dr Kelly allegedly died shortly afterwards in a nearby hospital.




aka HYPOglycemia [commonly associated with cardiac related seizures] and that the questionable CPR procedure 'received' had EXHAUSTED DR KELLY to death ... all for the lack of GLUCOSE and questionable medical practice of treating Someone who faints [ie a coma being a natural safety mechanism of a fuel exhausted body] ... without treating with GLUCOSE.



Miss McElhone
, 36, the star of The Truman Show and Solaris who ispregnant with the couple's third child, was in the U.S. filming whenshe heard the news.

She is expected to return to London with sons Theo, eight, and Otis, four, this weekend.

Police said Mr Kelly had died as a result of 'dilated cardiomyopathy',where the heart becomes enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently.

In most cases the cause is unknown but the British Heart Foundation said that some cases are triggered by a viral infection. Mr Kelly, who was married to Miss McElhone for ten years,had a viral infection in the weeks prior to his death.


A Scotland Yard spokesman said yesterday: 'There will not be an inquest as Mr Kelly died as a result of natural causes.' more...

As seizures have a differential diagnosis, it is common for Patients to be simultaneously investigated for cardiac and endocrine causes. Checking glucose levels, for example, is a mandatory action in the management of seizures as HYPOglycemia may cause seizures, and failure to administer glucose would be harmful to the Patient.
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Interstitial glucose HYPOglycemia FIT

"Every Day And In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better"...
Interstitial glucose profile associated with sympt...[Am J Clin Nutr. 2008] - PubMed Result

Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Feb;87(2):354-61.Click here to read Links

Interstitial glucose profile associated with symptoms attributed to HYPOglycemia by otherwise healthy women.

University of Nottingham, School of Biomedical Sciences, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

BACKGROUND: Reports of postprandial symptoms attributed to HYPOglycemia by otherwise healthy individuals appear to be relatively common in UK women. Whether these symptoms are related to blood glucose is a contentious issue, which periodic ambulatory blood glucose measurement has failed to resolve.

OBJECTIVE: The authors investigated, using continuous glucose monitoring technology, whether postprandial symptoms are associated with interstitial glucose concentrations (IG) in the HYPOglycemia range or with a previous fall in IG.

DESIGN: Thirty healthy non-obese women (age 20-48 y) who reported symptoms attributable to HYPOglycemia and 20 non-symptomatic controls wore a subcutaneous probe in abdominal fat for 4-7 d (median: 5 d) and kept a diet and activity diary during this time.

RESULTS: Twenty women reported postprandial symptoms; 41 episodes were recorded. When symptomatic, IG was "3.3" mmol in only 5% of cases ... but

A significant fall in IG over the preceding 60 min was observed before autonomic symptoms ...

The proportion of total energy intake derived from dietary fat in the symptomatic group was higher than that in the controls ... the meal preceding symptoms had a higher percentage of energy derived from total sugars when compared with the individuals' diet over the study period ...

CONCLUSIONS: Most symptoms attributable to HYPOglycemia were not associated with an IG concentration in the HYPOglycemia range. A previous fall in IG may be implicated in the etiology of autonomic symptoms, with the consumption of meals high in sugars potentially playing a role in symptom initiation.

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