HOW(?) & WHY(?) Liquid-Eating & Intermittent-Fasting can be so beneficial to your Health...

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Temperature Control changes Metabolism changes diabetes ...HOW ?

"Every Day And In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better"...
"The Gracey HYPO=thesis" for the CAUSE and CURE of diabetes...

Diabetes is caused by eating too OFTEN which reduces brain/nerve insulin production, reduces liver 'digestion efficiency' and reduces 'glucose insulin resistance' [GIR] ... increasing glucose entry into [and storage in] any 'peripheral tissues' [having insulin receptors] such as liver, fat & muscle cells. Relative-HYPOglycemia is caused by eating too OFTEN especially meals relatively high in carbohydrates. When AnyOne eats, especially carbohydrates/glucose, the blood-stream is usually flooded with glucose. The pancreas releases insulin in response to increasing concentrations of glucose. Insulin increases the efficiency of glucose entry into [and storage in] 'peripheral tissues' such as liver, fat & muscle cells. As a result, blood glucose concentration drops, sometimes resulting in relative-HYPOglycemia. Relative-HYPOglycemia results from brain & nerve cells being deprived of the glucose that has been 'drained' out of the blood-stream by the insulin. The body compensates, by becoming 'glucose insulin resistant', thereby resisting glucose entry into any peripheral tissues having insulin receptors. Now there is a higher glucose concentration remaining in the blood-stream to help better supply the glucose-fuel needs of the brain & nerves. That process is called 'compensatory-HYPERglycemia'. Now whenever AnyOne [who's body is trying to prevent relative-HYPOglycemia] eats EG 'excess glucose' ... their blood glucose concentration rises temporarily, to an above-the-national-average concentration [transient supernormal glycemia aka TSG] in order to help prevent relative-HYPOglycemia [EG type 0, type1, type 2 & type 4 diabetes]. Eating less OFTEN increases glucose insulin resistance and increases 'localized' brain/nerve insulin production [all for 'fine-tuning' of brain/nerve glucose metabolism]. Therefore the CURE for diabetes is to eat less OFTEN so that there are fewer rapid-reductions in brain/nerve glucose concentration and therefore fewer episodes of relative-HYPOglycemia. When EG a Child is growing ... above-the-national-average concentrations of growth hormone are sometimes produced which cause relative-HYPOglycemia. When such a Child eats too OFTEN the pancreatic beta-cells become 'inflamed' in order to help reduce insulin production and increase 'compensatory-HYPERglycemia' [EG type 1a diabetes] ... all in order to help protect the brain/nerves from potential SEVERE acute relative-HYPOglycemia। When an aging Adult eats too OFTEN too often IE too OFTEN for too-LONG-a-time ... the brain/nerve cells become chronically 'starved & inflamed' from lack of 'localized' brain/nerve insulin production, and increase 'compensatory loss-of-appetite' / 'loss-of-memory-to-eat' / 'eating less OFTEN' [EG type 3a diabetes], to help protect the brain from potential SEVERE chronic relative-HYPOglycemia [by increasing 'localized' brain/nerve insulin production]. Eating also causes inflammation [due to various food intolerances associated with an inefficient liver function]. Diabetes is a protective cycle that can be controlled and/or CURED, as required, by intermittent-fasting [which also increases liver 'digestion efficiency'] and intermittent-eating of minimally allergenic foods.

How reasonable is this "Gracey HYPO-thesis"?

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