HOW(?) & WHY(?) Liquid-Eating & Intermittent-Fasting can be so beneficial to your Health...

Saturday, 3 May 2008

interstitial glucose "IG" concentration = ??? = nerve glucose "NG" concentation and far more important than blood glucose "BG" concentration ... HOW ?

"Every Day And In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better"...
Glucose readings from a sensor sampling in interstitial fluid aka Interstitial Glucose concentration [IGc] differ substantially from Blood Glucose Concentration [BGc] values measured at the same time.

Results show an average total lag of 17.2 ± 7.2 min for all subjects evaluated. The instrumental lag was 13.5 min, suggesting that physiological lag is approx 5 min. In addition, when glucose was increasing, the change in IGc was less than that in BGc, while when BGc was decreasing, the change in IGc was greater than that in BGc.

Differences reflect physiological variation in glucose uptake, utilization, and elimination in blood and interstitial space. This further evidence of the difference between IGc and BGc should be considered when interpreting glucose measurements.

Dr Matthew J. Lesho, 400 Penobscot Dr., Redwood City, CA 94063.

National Center for Biotechnology Information ...

interstitial glucose "IG" concentration = ??? = nerve glucose "NG" concentration [Heart nerve glucose concentration & CNS nerve glucose concentration including brain nerve glucose concentration] and so far more important than blood glucose "BG" concentration ... HOW ?

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